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Sandalwood essential oil is a natural fragrance that has been described in various aromatherapies as calming, woody, earthy, and sensual. Steam distillation is used to remove the oil from the heartwood of various types of sandalwood trees, more so from the Santalum album tree.
Sandalwood essential oil, which is indigenous to the South Pacific, has been used for generations in India for its meditative and stress-relieving properties. Sandalwood essential oil is characterized by a rich, complex aroma that evokes wood and a hint of spice. The scent has a musky, vanilla-like sweetness that has made it a popular ingredient for perfumes and incense.
Varieties include Hawaiian sandalwood essential oil, Australian sandalwood, and Indian sandalwood to name a few.

Sandalwood Essential Oil Uses And Benefits

Pain Management

The aroma of Sandalwood essential oil is intense and unforgettable. It is said to possess several beneficial compounds such as alpha-santalol, santalol, and beta-santalol. Sandalwood essential oil is a natural stimulant that has shown promise in the treatment of joint pain, muscle aches, arthritis, and even diabetes. It can be used topically as a massage oil, as a skin tonic, or added to blends to assist in relaxation and stress relief.
Helps With Headaches And Migraine
There are many kinds of headaches, each with its own type of treatment. Some headaches are caused by physical factors, like dehydration or a lack of sleep, for example. Others may be caused by emotional factors, such as tension or stress. Still others may be caused by mental factors, such as depression or anxiety.
The scent of sandalwood is said to clear the mind, calm the emotions and ease fatigue. Sandalwood oil is used as a central nervous system and restorative oil. The scent of sandalwood oil is uplifting, refreshing and calming, which is why it is used in aromatherapy to relieve stress and anxiety which may trigger migraines or headaches.
Just apply topically or inhale to help relieve.

Useful For Stomach Aches

Everyone has felt stomach ache at some point, and it is generally caused by gas, indigestion, heartburn and/or stress. Having a bad stomach ache can be annoying and make you feel uncomfortable, and that can lead to you not wanting to eat food that contains certain ingredients.
Sandalwood oil can also stimulate the production of endorphins which is beneficial for the body. Apart from its calming effects, sandalwood oil can also help promote healthy digestion by stimulating enzymes.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Sandalwood essential oil is used for many medicinal purposes like treating inflammation. Inflammation is a condition in which the body’s immune system reacts to a threat by sending white blood cells to an injured area. In most cases, the threat to the body is eliminated and the immune cells die. In some cases, however, the immune cells do not die, and they continue to attack the neighboring tissue.
Research suggests that sandalwood oil has potential as an anti-inflammatory in the body, and may be equally effective at combating rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis when massaged locally.
This anti inflammatory property makes it an excellent option if desirous of a natural pain relieving option.

Sandalwood Essential Oils Help With Dry Skin

The skin is our largest organ and it helps protect our bodies from harmful external factors. However, it’s also the part of our body that is exposed to the most damage and damage from the sun, pollution, smoking and stress. Our skin is the first line of defense against harmful factors; it keeps our immune system in working order, and it has many functions, such as helping protect the body against bacteria and viruses, and helping repair damaged tissue.
Sandalwood oil acts as a sort of moisture barrier, helping to prevent water loss from skin cells and reduce the appearance of skin imperfections

Increases Energy

Sandalwood essential oil is renowned for its many health benefits, but did you know it can help boost energySandalwood oil is not only wonderfully soothing, it’s also a rich source of energy. The smell of sandalwood is calming and helps reduce anxiety. It also fights off negative emotions like stress and depression. It has been found that sandalwood oil stimulates the heart rate, increases metabolic rate and energy levels.

Under-Eye Circles

If you’ve tried so many things for under eye puffiness but are disappointed, it’s time you try Sandalwood. The essential oil reduces under eye puffiness by making the skin in the area more elastic. Sandalwood essential oil, according to recent research, also reduces early signs of aging.
This makes it extremely promising and a great alternative to expensive eye creams which may not do anything at all.
To use, simply take some sandalwood oil and place a few drops under your eyes. Gently massage it in, and let it sit for around 10 minutes. Wash it off with a gentle face wash. You can also add a few drops of sandalwood oil to your bath water.
Add to your skincare routine and see the difference it makes.

Natural Deodorant

Although most people may be aware of the benefits of sandalwood oil, fewer people know that it is also a natural deodorant. Many of us have tried using natural deodorant before without much success.
But what if you could find an alternative that would cause no irritation? Sandalwood oil is a natural remedy that many people use to reduce body odor and prevent skin irritations.

Removing Odors From House

Did you know that sandalwood essential oil can also help remove nasty cooking smells from your kitchen, bathroom, or even your car? While this is not a common use, it is a great way to get rid of tough to stand scents that otherwise ruin a great room experience.
To use the oil for this purpose, you first need to mix it with a few drops of a neutral oil like almond, jojoba or coconut oil. Sandalwood oil has an aroma that can linger in the room for an
extended period of time, especially if the offensive odor has been around for a long time.
The smell can be described as earthy or musty. In recent years, the world has learned that the smell is actually caused by a microscopic fungus called aspergillus.

Sandalwood Oil Precautions

While sandalwood possesses many extraordinary uses, it is not for everyone. Before using it, check to see if you are allergic by putting a small amount of oil on the skin
and do not use it if you have skin reactions at this time.
Doing so can trigger major eruptions that may necessitate a hospital visit or worse, prolonged hospitalization time. The reaction of this sensitive skin is a red, itchy, and burning sensation or a flare-up.
Also, if you are pregnant, have a medical condition or using specific medications as prescribed by a medical professional, be sure to seek the advice of your health care practitioner before using sandalwood oil.
Don’t use sandalwood oil if :

  1. You have an allergy to the flowers or plants that are related to it.
  2. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use sandalwood oil.
  3. Sandalwood oil should not be used by people taking blood thinners.
  4. As far as skin cancer is concerned, you should not use sandalwood oil.
  5. Sandalwood oil should not be used if you have a history of seizures.
  6. Avoid using sandalwood oil if you have a heart condition or blood pressure problem.
  7. Do not use sandalwood oil if you are taking a homeopathic medication.

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